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Year 6


Year 6 is made up of three classes: Bagheera (Mrs Astirbadi), Shere Khan (Mrs Platford and Mr Brenton) and Mowgli (Mr Ballard).  Other adults in Year 6 include Mrs Chopra and Miss Vaughan.  We have been inspired by characters from the book Jungle Book and the friendship and acceptance from the characters in the story.

In Year 6, we are the role models of the school. We embody the school values and have key responsibilities in the school as Team Captains, Prefects and Sports Leaders. This is a real chance for us to give back to Featherby and live our values of unity, honesty, resilience, responsibility, trust and respect. At the same time as developing our knowledge and skillsets. We further the development of our cultural capital through our second residential trip where we build on the skills around independence as we prepare ourselves for secondary school and the next stage of our learning. 


Our learning is thematic meaning each term we focus on one theme through our reading, writing and wider curriculum. By learning in this way, we deepen our understanding, become critical thinkers and develop both knowledge and skills in key areas.


Our themes in Year 6 are:

  • Narnia
  • Mighty Monarchs
  • Amazon Adventures
  • Operation Gadgetman
  • Suspects
  • Lights Out


All our themes give us the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, develop our skillsets, apply our Featherby Values and develop our 6Cs: Character, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Citizenship. Our learning in school is built around these areas and linked in with a class read. We love sharing what we have learnt in school but learning also happens outside the classroom and our homework and wider reading opportunities are one way this happens. It is important to us that we are always learners whether we are in school, at home or out and about in the world. Events we look forward to are our Big Outcomes where we welcome parents and visitors into school to share in our learning with us; this is one of the times you will see our 6Cs in action! 



We start our learning this year with the theme of Narnia, which is the text we have taken a class names from. Narnia is our class read and we use this as a stimulus for our writes, stories, newspaper reports and persuasive letters. Our thematic learning centres around learning about New Zealand which we compare to our locality and develop our understanding of the differences between seasons and time in the southern hemisphere. We recall and build upon previous learning with animals and habitats looking at how animals have adapted and evolved, in particular looking at marsupials. Our art skillset is developed by producing artwork based on animals in the style of Pablo Picasso and Franc Marc.

Image result for narnia clipart

Mighty Monarchs

Our second theme of the year is Mighty Monarchs which focuses our learning on the changing role of the monarch, looking at key historic events and their impact on society. Our class read is Animal Farm where we explore the subjects raised linking them back to ruling power and produce biographies, poetry and discussion. In art we produce clay sculptures of Monarchs heads, applying skills learnt in previous years, focusing on learning about different textures and processes. Our continue to develop our web of knowledge on the human body, from Year 4 we recall learning on the digestive system and move onto look at the circulatory system. 

Image result for kings and queens clipart

Amazon Adventures

This theme builds upon prior learning on South America, rainforest and Rivers, supporting us with developing our webs of knowledge in these areas. Our class read is Journey to The River Sea which we use to write stories, poetry and information reports. Our geography knowledge is developed on South America by learning about the physical features of the landscape including the rivers and rainforest. Our art focus is on producing prints of leaves and plants in the style of Frida Kahlo and developing our sketching skills. In science we return to electricity and look at equity and experiments on compound and more advanced circuits.

Image result for amazon river

Operation Gadegetman

Our theme in Term 4 has a science and design and technology driver where we become inventors. Our class read is Operation Gadgetman which inspires us to write explanations, instructions and diaries. We continue to develop our web of knowledge on electricity and circuits through experiments and enquiry. This interweaves with the design and technology where we look at inventions which use both electricity and hydraulics to create a gadget or toy. In history we look at chronologically at inventions and their impact on society. Our art work is inspired by town planner Patrick Abercromie. We are incredibly creative and inventive in this theme. 


Image result for electricity and technology



This theme is underpinned by the class read The Highway Man and The Landlady which we use to write suspense stories, play scripts and poetry. In history we learn about the period the Highway Man is set and the geography around travel building on our understanding of infrastructure from Operation Gadgetman. In science we recall and review our learning from the year and previous years ensuring that we are knowledgeable in all areas. Our art focus links in with R.E. through using different sketching techniques to produce sketches inspired by Hinduism. 

Image result for The Highway man


Lights Out

Our final theme of the year, and sadly Featherby, is Lights Out. We explore the text The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas and produce formal writing, extended narrative and discussion texts. This theme is a transition theme as we prepare ourselves for the next stage of our learning at secondary school. 



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We know that this learning will continue at home too. To support learning in school, please test our knowledge by asking us questions. You can also read these books with us on our theme to extend and deepen our knowledge.