Pupil Premium Funding
Featherby's Aims
At Featherby we are striving to close the achievement gap between the most disadvantaged pupils and their peers, both in this school and nationally. Our goal is that each child discovers the enjoyment of learning, gaining the confidence to reach their full potential. Teaching and learning is at the heart of all we do. It is important to us that our children become resilient, resourceful and reflective independent learners. To achieve this they are encouraged to solve problems, develop good communication skills and work as part of a team. We are committed to creating a safe, happy and secure learning environment, and through the rigorous monitoring of attainment and progress we ensure that all pupils receive the best possible learning regardless of socio-economic background.
Barriers to learning
- Pupils difficulty in speaking and communicating.
- Pupils lack of confidence to take risks in their learning.
- A tendency to lack resilience to overcome difficulties.
- Pupils experiencing social, emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Low parent engagement with the school and children’s learning.
- Families do not hold high aspirations of learning potential or abilities.
Projected Impact
- To reduce the in-school attainment gap between pupil premium children and non-pupil premium children in reading, writing and maths in all year groups.
- To identify and track higher attaining Pupil Premium children ensuring they are challenged and reach full potential ensuring a higher percentage of Pupil Premium working at GDS.
- To increase targeted extended school opportunities for pupil premium pupils through a linked creative curriculum and planned aspirational big outcomes which include families.
- To reduce the amount of absence for Pupil Premium pupils and reduce the amount of Pupil Premium children who are persistently absent.
- Ensuring that continuous provision creates independent learners who develop a love of learning.
- Ensure children leave with the skills required to be Secondary ready.
Click to learn how our Strategy for 2021/22