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Term Dates

Featherby Infant & Nursery School and Featherby Junior School are both academies

Below you will find all the start and end dates for Terms 1 to 6 for both schools. 

2024-25 Academic Year

Staff Development Days

Thursday 29th August 2024

Friday 30th August 2024

There will be further staff development days (max 3 days, when school is closed to pupils, for staff training) yet to be added to this schedule and we will share those as soon as possible.

Term 1

Monday 2nd September and Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Transition Meetings for all pupils with new class teachers, parents and children

Children should return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024

The last day of term is Friday, 18th October 2024

Term 2

Children should return to school on Monday, 4th November 2024

The last day of term is Friday 20th December 2024

Term 3

Children should return to school on Monday 6th January 2025

The last day of term is Friday 14th February 2025

Term 4

 Children should return to school on Monday 24th February 2025

 The last day of term is Friday 4th April 2025

Term 5

Children should return to school on Tuesday 22nd April 2025

The last day of term is Friday 23rd May 2025

Monday 5th May 2024 is a Bank Holiday

Term 6

Children should return to school on Monday 2nd June 2025

The last day of term for children is Tuesday 22nd July 2025